ONE AND ONLY (Step Dare to Dream)

By | August 2, 2024

ONE AND ONLY: Step Dare to Dream, an Asian film in the style of dance that has been missing for a long time. Currently, street dancing or freestyle dancing has become popular in competitions and spreads in the online world. In particular, the winners who use various dance methods are exciting dances that have been brought to life in a Chinese film directed by Dong Chengpeng.

Chen Shuo (Wang Yibo) is a dancer who is dedicated to becoming the best. Ever since he caught the attention of passersby on the street, he hopes to join the award-winning and highly sponsored dance team. When he is interested in joining the dance team before the competition, the team manager Ding Lei (Huang Bo) wants to see Chen Shuo’s talent and dancing skills, who is practicing to join the team and practices dancing hard.

However, this new movie, where street dancers are mixed into a team dance competition to compete against each other, is not something that is seen very often, from Western dance movies like Step Up or comedies with few dance scenes, ONE AND ONLY, Step Up, this Chinese movie has become an interesting and fun Chinese movie.